
Domtar jobs

ID card
Headquarters: Montreal, Quebec
Year of creation: 1848
Business type: company
Business sector: paper mill

Domtar is a Quebec paper manufacturer and one of the largest North American manufacturers of office paper. Its activity is concentrated around two poles: 82% for pulp and paper (communication paper, specialty and packaging paper, commercial pulp) and 18% for personal care (absorbent sanitary products). Its sales are 70% in the US market, 12% in Europe, 10% in Canada and 7% in Asia.  

The company employs 10,000 people, 60% of whom work in the United States, 28% in Canada and 12% in Europe. Domtar's employees are located at its various sites, including its 13 pulp and paper mills, 10 finishing centers and 6 personal care facilities.

Domtar pays particular attention to talent management and succession planning. In addition, employees are subject to a policy against discrimination and harassment that applies not only to the company's premises, but in all work-related circumstances (receptions, conferences, training sessions, travel business or customer visits).

Corporate culture
The company is undertaking various sustainable development initiatives to minimize waste and improve efficiency in various areas such as energy, security, waste and greenhouse gases. In addition, Domtar made $ 1.21 million in community investments in 2016, particularly in sustainable growth (24%), Centraide (20%), disaster relief (13%), health and well-being ( 17%) and literacy (12%).

Contact us 395, de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montreal, QC H3A 1L6
Industry Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting
Jobs available at Domtar network